Saturday, December 29, 2018

For the little Angel

I feel so sad when I got this order. 
This is for a premature baby girl. The person who ordered this is the good friend of baby girl's mum. He told me that this may be the first and the last toy that will accompany the baby girl. He doesn't know what to give her and I decided to make an angel for her. I really hope that miracle happens and she will stay strong and grow up healthy. Don't just pass by the world and leave so soon. 
Stay strong, girl. I pray for you...

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Honey Bunch

You're my Honey Bunch, Sugarplum!
#achibuu #amigurumi #customorder #customchristmasgift #crochet #doll #handmade 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sharing Love

It's time to share our love again. 
I wish that I can help all year long  however life is not easy for me as well. I am sorry that I can only share a little once awhile.
Thanks to the friends who is willing to contribute and share their love for those who need help. 
Let's share our love during the season of love now. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Office by the Sea

I dreamt that I was working in a beautiful office near the beach. I can see the clear and beautiful sea from the office window, there are a lot of colorful fish in the sea. I can hear the music of the wave... I feel so happy and peaceful in the dream and don't feel like to wake up.... Should I find a job near the beach? 

Monday, December 3, 2018

Weird Dream Last Night

I dreamt that I was searching for my black unicorn last night. While I was searching for my black unicorn, I saw some potato head men riding on fat and short giraffes and fat rhinoceros. They looked at me like I am an alien...