Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
This pair of tortoise was custom made for Cathy. She wanted to give them to her little cousin. Hope her little cousin will like them. ^o^

Dimension: approx.3 inches
Price: RM20 each
Grumpy Penguin
Penguin, penguin , why are u feeling grumpy?
Penguin, "because I'm hungry..."
Penguin, penguin, why are you feeling grumpy?
Penguin," because I don't wanna go to work..."
Dimension: Approx: 10cm Height
Price: RM35.00
Dimension: Approx: 10cm Height
Price: RM35.00
FaFaRabbiBuu loves plants. She has a magical flower seed basket. Once she throw the seed on the ground, they grow!
Dimension: 12cm Height(excluding the ears)
Price: RM35.00
YumYum likes to cook. She always bring her favourite spatula along with her.
Dimension: Approx. 12cm Height (excluding the ears)
Price: RM35.00
Saturday, September 25, 2010
HuggieRabbitBuu was borned in Pangkor Laut-- a beautiful island. She has very long arms as she likes to hug people. She thinks that hugging is the best to express your love and care.
Dimesnion: 15cime Height (Siting)
Price: RM50.00
冬冬很怕冷, 特别是心冷. 冬冬总是会想办法让你的心暖暖的, 因为她知道心凉了是多么的可怕.

Dimension: Approx.12cm Height (Excluding ears)
Price: RM35.00
一直觉得睡觉是一件很快乐的事. 睡衣也是最舒服的. 假日最喜欢穿着睡衣在家里晃荡 :P
安安和我一样, 最爱睡觉了!
安安和我一样, 最爱睡觉了!
Dimension: Approx.12cm Height
Price: RM35.00
一直好想拥有一件漂亮的雨衣,但市面上买的成人雨衣一点都不漂亮. 所以我只好让我的小兔兔穿上可爱的雨衣, 代替我到雨中喜戏.
设计了SaSaRabbiBuu,让她穿着亮眼的黄色雨衣, 带着她的娃娃KiKi. SaSa喜欢没事就等着下雨, 大雨让她觉得好痛快! 我爱雨天!
设计了SaSaRabbiBuu,让她穿着亮眼的黄色雨衣, 带着她的娃娃KiKi. SaSa喜欢没事就等着下雨, 大雨让她觉得好痛快! 我爱雨天!
Dimesion: Approx.12cm Height (Excluding ears)
Price: RM35.00
Friday, September 24, 2010
Mix Color Yarn
买了一捆混色的线, 放着好久没用. 上个星期回家时, 终于把它拿来用了...用它织了YaYaRabbiBuu & LuLuRabbiBuu.
YaYa喜欢带着他的包包到处去旅行,把他美好的记忆都藏在包包里. LuLu 喜欢弹琴和逛街,总是希望包包里有着用不完的钱.
YaYa喜欢带着他的包包到处去旅行,把他美好的记忆都藏在包包里. LuLu 喜欢弹琴和逛街,总是希望包包里有着用不完的钱.
Dimension: Approx 12Height (excluding ears)
Price: RM35.00 each
Flora Hairband
I like to wear hairband. I made many hairbands, and feel like to have them all.hehe...

Price: RM20 each
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